Jan 15

Journaling and Sketching Emotions

Feelings are often difficult to deal with, and communicating them is even harder.

While researching short videos on emotional intelligence to share with my 2nd Graders during our Expressionist unity I found this brief PBS Parents video.

The video explores a journaling/sketchbook technique to develop and foster social and emotional intelligence with your children, students, and self.

Dec 14

Teaching art or teaching to think like an artist? | Cindy Foley | TEDxColumbus

Aug 10


Students combined various animals to create their own mythical creatures out of clay.

Jul 10

Wire Contour Self-Portaits

Using observational drawings, students manipulated wire to create contour line self-portraits.

Jan 10

Still Lifes, Drawing I, Lowell High School

For the Still Life unit students in my Drawing I classes created a still-life a day, with each day being an introduction to a new media.

Some of the mediums we covered were: charcoal, sumi-ink, soft pastel, and graphite.