Art Making

I. Art Making (64%)
A. General (13%)
1. Knows and understands the elements of art and principles of visual organization (i.e., principles of design) as applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional media
a. identifies elements and principles of design in visual stimuli
b. explains relationships of elements to principles
c. distinguishes uses of elements and principles in two-dimensional and three-dimensional art
2. Knows and understands various historical methods (e.g., golden mean, hierarchical organization, perspective) and contemporary approaches (juxtaposition, appropriation, transformation, etc.) to creating art
a. defines/identifies both historical and contemporary methods
B. Media and Processes (51%)
1. Knows and understands safety, environmental, and storage issues related to the use of art materials (e.g., clay dust, lead pigments, safety-label information) and art processes (e.g., cutting, etching, spraying)
a. identifies dangerous materials and their effects
b. categorizes dangerous materials and their effects
c. describes proper ventilation, storage, and disposal procedures based on the medium
d. demonstrates knowledge of MSDS sheets
e. demonstrates understanding of safety procedures
f. demonstrates knowledge of health issues related to the use of artists’ materials and tools (e.g., toxicity)
2. Knows and understands how to use a variety of drawing, painting, and printmaking materials and processes
a. identifies characteristics of materials
b. identifies similarities and differences among materials
c. knows vocabulary related to drawing, painting, and printmaking materials and processes
d. describes drawing, painting, and printmaking processes
e. solves problems and evaluates possible solutions
f. compares materials and techniques, and analyzes the compatibility of materials and techniques
g. recognizes or identifies processes through reproductions
3. Knows and understands how to use digital photography and image processes
a. demonstrates basic camera knowledge (camera parts, vocabulary)
b. demonstrates knowledge of common editing and imaging software (e.g., cropping, basic manipulation, resizing)
c. demonstrates knowledge of uploading, downloading, storing common file types such as .jpg and .tif, transferring, and printing images
d. knows and understands the process of creating digital images
4. Knows and understands materials, tools, and processes for videography, filmmaking, and installations
a. identifies/describes materials, tools, and processes for videography, filmmaking, and installations
5. Knows and understands how to use sculptural materials and processes
a. identifies characteristics of materials
b. identifies similarities and differences among materials
c. knows vocabulary related to sculptural materials and processes
d. describes sculptural processes
e. solves problems and evaluates possible solutions
f. compares materials and techniques, and analyzes the compatibility of materials and techniques
g. recognizes or identifies processes through reproductions
6. Knows and understands how to use a variety of fiber art materials and processes (e.g., weaving, basketry, paper making, jewelry making, processes based on sewing)
a. identifies characteristics of materials
b. identifies similarities and differences among materials
c. knows vocabulary related to fiber materials and processes
d. describes fiber processes
e. solves problems and evaluates possible solutions
f. compares materials and techniques, and analyzes the compatibility of materials and techniques
g. recognizes or identifies processes through reproductions
7. Knows and understands the physical aspects and effective ways of presenting artwork for display purposes (e.g., cutting mattes, display boards)
a. identifies and describes methods of mounting and matting work in ways appropriate to the medium
b. identifies and describes methods of displaying three-dimensional work
c. describes appropriate ways of using exhibition spaces