Dale Chihuly Inspired Sculptures: Part One

This week my second graders began to learn about American glassblower Dale Chihuly.  We started the lesson by watching a few short videos on him, his work, and glassblowing as a medium.

Here are the links to those videos:

Before watching the video everyone took out their sketchbooks.  I asked the students, “Why would we want our sketchbooks out while we watch a video about an artist?”
Students answered:
“So we can draw artwork we like.”
“So we can draw what we are inspired by.”
“So we can write down a question.”
“So we can write down something he said.”
Lesson Vocabulary:
  • Glassblowing

  • Dale Chihuly

  • Installation

  • Sculpture

  • 3D
  • Form
  • Inspiration







Teacher Resource:

Dale Chihuly

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